Click a project to view all skills involved and a detailed info.
Supercord (verified discord bot)
ContributionsDiscord BotsPythonA verified, fun and general-purpose discord bot and alternative to Dank Memer with 100+ servers and 15k+ users.
Portfolio v2
Next.jsWeb DevelopmentSecond, modern version of my Next.js portfolio built with Next.js, Framer Motion & TailwindCSS. Features a guestbook, blog and gives much information about me.
Portfolio v1
Next.jsWeb DevelopmentFirst version of my personal portfolio website built with Next.js, TailwindCSS and Framer Motion.
Periodic Table Visualizer & SVG generator
PythonWeb DevelopmentA periodic table visualizer and SVG generator. Firstly generate the SVGs of each element using Python with svgwrite, then visualize them using HTML, CSS and JS.
MusicMaster landing page
Next.jsWeb DevelopmentAnother landing page built with Next.js, Framer Motion and TailwindCSS. This project was a task for the internship application at Beyondriffs.
Full-stacking landing website
ContributionsNext.jsWeb DevelopmentFull-stack next.js website for a popular minecraft mod, built with Next.js, Framer Motion, TailwindCSS, Postgres, Prisma and NextAuth.